Edward E. Mosley JR., PhD Candidate

Edward E. Mosley Jr. is an internationally renowned speaker, two-time author, executive leadership coach, and retired combat veteran of the United States Marine Corps. With a wealth of experience and a strong background in leadership and discipline, Edward has built a successful career in guiding leaders towards achieving their full potential. Despite his impressive credentials and consummate professionalism, Edward felt his brand had plateaued and needed a fresh, impactful rebranding to elevate his profile and extend his reach. Edward aimed to enhance his thought leadership, improve his visibility, and significantly increase his market value.


    1. Rebrand Edward’s online presence with a modern, professional look.
    2. Create compelling and SEO-optimized copy to highlight Edward’s expertise and background.
    3. Develop effective speaking marketing programs to promote his engagements.
    4. Design professional promotional materials, including banners and bookmarks.
    5. Optimize Edward’s LinkedIn profile to reflect his status and achievements.
    6. Increase Edward’s podcast guest appearances and secure high-caliber guests for his own podcast.
    7. Dramatically boost Edward’s visibility and thought leadership.
    8. Enable Edward to significantly increase his service fees.



Website Design and Copywriting:

  • Redesigned Edward’s website with a sleek, modern design that communicates professionalism and authority.
  • Crafted SEO-optimized copy that emphasizes Edward’s unique expertise, achievements, and his distinguished military background.

Marketing Programs:

  • Developed targeted speaking marketing programs to effectively promote Edward’s engagements and services.
  • Implemented a comprehensive marketing strategy, including email campaigns, social media marketing, and content marketing.

Graphic Design:

  • Designed visually striking banners and bookmarks that aligned with Edward’s new brand identity.
  • Ensured all promotional materials were cohesive and professional.

LinkedIn Profile Optimization:

  • Overhauled Edward’s LinkedIn profile to better showcase his expertise, achievements, and thought leadership.
  • Utilized strategic engagement tactics to increase Edward’s reach and influence on LinkedIn.

Podcast Booking and Guest Scheduling:

  • Secured multiple podcast guest appearances for Edward on prominent industry podcasts.
  • Attracted top-tier, high-caliber guests from various industries to appear on Edward’s podcast, enhancing its appeal and credibility.



Increased Revenue:

  • The rebranding and enhanced visibility allowed Edward to increase his service fees by 200-500%, depending on the offering.

Podcast Success:

  • Within the first two days of our engagement, Edward received 5-10 podcast guest bookings per day from high-caliber guests and industry leaders worldwide.

Enhanced Visibility and Thought Leadership:

  • The new website design and SEO-optimized copy significantly increased Edward’s online visibility.
  • The optimized LinkedIn profile and strategic marketing campaigns positioned Edward as a leading thought leader in executive coaching and leadership development.

Audience Engagement:

  • The compelling copy and professional design attracted a larger, more engaged audience to Edward’s website and social media profiles.
  • The inclusion of high-caliber guests on Edward’s podcast further boosted his credibility and expanded his reach.


Edward E. Mosley Jr. Testimonial