Best Branding Solutions Logo


We help CEOs, professional speakers, authors, and 7-8 figure entrepreneurs achieve Top 1% Positioning with confidence through branding, marketing, speaking, and podcasting in 90 days or less! We are more than a branding and marketing agency, we are your business growth partners.

We believe that effective branding and marketing sets you apart from your competition and attracts your ideal clients. In today’s market, customers prefer to buy from relatable, trustworthy brands rather than faceless corporations which is why we focus on building authentic brands that resonate with your target audience.

Does this sound like you?

  • You want to establish yourself as a global thought leader in your niche.
  • Your goal is to increase visibility and recognition for your personal brand and business.
  • You want to gain more speaking engagements at international conferences and TEDx.
  • You want to publish thought-provoking articles in leading industry publications.
  • You want to expand your influence on LinkedIn and other online platforms.

As Seen In

What we are best at.


Strategic Brand Development

  • Brand Positioning & Strategy:
    • Market research, competitive analysis, value proposition, mission, vision, values, and long-term roadmap.
    • Identify target client avatar & niche.
    • Craft a compelling offer.
  • Visual Identity & Design:

    • Logos, color palettes, typography, brand guidelines, and collateral materials (business cards, brochures).
  • Digital Presence (Website & Social Media):

    • Website design and development.
    • Social media and digital marketing strategy.
  • Content Strategy & Brand Activation:

    • Content creation (blogs, videos, social media), content calendar, brand launch planning and execution, PR, and media outreach.
  • Top Search Engine Positioning:

    • Our marketing service leverages cutting-edge techniques to position your brand effectively in search engines, driving increased visibility, traffic, and conversions so that leads come directly to you and not your competition.
Picture of hands drawing logo design on paper.

Our Process

Our Strategic Approach:

At Best Branding Solutions, we believe in a comprehensive approach to branding and marketing that ensures your brand stands out in a crowded market. Our strategy is designed to create a memorable first impression and build a strong, enduring brand image. We offer comprehensive marketing solutions for high-growth businesses, tailored to their specific needs and designed to maximize their potential for success in today’s competitive market landscape.


Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Discovery Phase:
    • Client Interviews: We start with in-depth interviews to understand your vision, goals, and unique value proposition.
    • Market Research: Analyze market trends, competitor strategies, and target audience behaviors to identify opportunities.
  2. Brand Strategy Development:
    • Brand Positioning: Define your brand’s unique position in the market to differentiate from competitors.
    • Messaging Framework: Develop key messages that resonate with your target audience and reflect your brand’s core values.
  3. Creative Execution:
    • Visual Identity: Design logos, color schemes, and other visual elements that embody your brand’s personality.
    • Content Strategy: Create a content plan that includes blog posts, social media updates, and other content types to engage your audience.
  4. Implementation & Monitoring:
    • Launch Plan: Develop a detailed plan for launching your new brand identity across all channels.
    • Performance Tracking: Use analytics tools to measure the effectiveness of your branding efforts and make necessary adjustments.

Tara's innovative approach to branding takes you beyond what you ever imagined was possible! After working on my speaking programs, marketing material, LinkedIn posts, and overall brand strategy I was able to increase my offering anywhere from 200-500%.

I would recommend your branding strategy services without hesitation to any company looking to take their branding efforts to the next level. Thank you for your outstanding work, and I look forward to working with you again in the future.


Strategic Brand Consulting

Brand Building

Objective: Enhance brand identity and online presence to align with goals, audience, and market.


Brand Development & Analysis:

  • Assess current assets & market presence.
  • Conduct research & competitor analysis.
  • Gather insights from key stakeholders.


Strategic Brand Positioning:

  • Define brand positioning.
  • Segment target audience & tailor messaging.
  • Establish brand guidelines.


Visual Identity Creation:

  • Design a distinctive logo & visual identity.
  • Develop brand assets.
  • Create brand collateral.


Website Creation & Optimization:

  • Design a professional, mobile-friendly website.
  • Optimize for user experience & search engines.
  • Include engaging content & storytelling.


Launch & Promotion:

  • Develop a launch plan.
  • Monitor metrics post-launch.


Objective: Revitalize brand identity & online presence for alignment with goals, audience, & market.


Brand Audit & Analysis:

  • Review assets.
  • Conduct interviews & surveys.
  • Perform competitive analysis.


Strategic Brand Positioning:

  • Develop clear positioning.
  • Identify target segments.
  • Create guidelines.


Visual Identity Redesign:

  • Refine logo.
  • Develop visual assets.
  • Create collateral.


Website Revamp:

  • Redesign for identity.
  • Optimize for mobile and search.
  • Incorporate storytelling.


Launch & Promotion:

  • Develop a launch plan.
  • Monitor sentiment & metrics post-launch.

Podcast production

Amplify Your Brand & Online Presence

Ready to amplify your brand, connect with a wider audience, and make your competition irrevalant online?

Expand your business into new markets and captivate your target audience uniquely and memorably with podcasting. Boost your digital presence and organic reach effortlessly.

This is a fully done-for-you service that includes top-tier guest scheduling so that all you have to do is show up and hit record!

We help CEOs, 7-8 figure entrepreneurs, authors, and speakers with podcast production services achieve Top 1% Positioning in months, not years. With a blend of digital marketing, meticulous brand management, landing prestigious speaking engagements, and top-tier guest scheduling, we accelerate your online presence and visibility in less time.

microphone and a computer podcasting set up

“With this service, you’ll never have to worry about finding and booking guests again. Within the first two days, I was receiving a staggering 5-10 bookings per day and each guest has been high caliber, very professional, and great to work with. With this service, you don’t need to have thousands of followers or connections in order to succeed in podcasting because you get to leverage Tara’s large social media network.”


Edward E. Mosley Jr.
International Speaker & Executive Leadership Coach

What's Included

Click to view our services in greater detail.

Podcast Production

Increase Your Visibility, Expand Your Brand & Grow Your Business


Tara excels at what she does. I asked her to help me promote a new additional business on LinkedIn and she really came through. Her knowledge and expertise in branding, marketing, and social media are impressive. Thank you Tara for all of your help!


Tara has made a fantastic impact on my LinkedIn strategy in such a short period of time. I have learned so many fabulously simple and innovative approaches to grow and expand my networking opportunity on LinkedIn. Tara is an amazingly passionate and focused lady with a huge amount of integrity that is obvious within seconds of meeting her. If you want to make a huge positive change to your marketing strategy then I urge you to connect with Tara now. Highly recommended.


One day, literally one day, after Tara worked on my profile, my brand, and set me up for success- I had 3 new clients!! One day- 3 new clients!!


“Your brand walks into the room before you do.” - Tara LaFon Gooch

Consider this: What do people see when they Google you or your business?

Your digital footprint can either open doors or close them. We understand the critical nature of this first impression and ensure our clients grasp the significance of a strong online presence.

Research by the American Marketing Association highlights that resilient companies often boast robust brands. In turbulent economic times, a solid brand strategy can be your business’s saving grace, with brand equity accounting for up to 80% of market value, as per Forbes.

Investing in your brand today ensures longevity and resilience tomorrow, safeguarding your business against economic fluctuations and setting the stage for sustained success. If your brand isn’t your highest priority in your business, it should be.